Joint Ventures

Getting around DC is getting difficult again.

Imagine if you could team up with someone who would share the responsibility of checking in on your rental property or renovation project?

How much time do you think you could save if someone else did that for you 2 or 3 times each week?

Now, amplify that simple task by 20 or 30 other daily responsibilities……..

How much time do you think that would save each week?

Is hiring someone the right move? Maybe an office manager or intern?

Or would it make more sense to set up a joint venture agreement with a candidate an make them a vested “partner” in the project?

Where do you draw the line on responsibilities and who is assigned certain tasks?

Do you see how this gets into sticky territory very quickly? When you set up a joint venture – nearly EVERYTHING needs to be spelled out very clearly, or you could wind up in very uncomomfortable situations very quickly.

What would happen if you had multiple projects with multiple locations around town – is it possible to scale joint ventures?

What if projects are small – without much profit potential in the near term, but a larger payoff down the road, months or even years from now? How should you structure those agreements?

In 20 plus years, sure, I’ve made a few mistakes, and gained a lot of insight into what makes a great joint venture.
I want to share those lessons with you Monday night.

The topic for WREIA this month is:
“Joint Ventures – Tips, Tricks, Do’s and Don’ts”

How about a few real life examples of joint ventures that we use today? Yeah, we can do that Monday night.

Need some help on a project? Of course, let’s find you some help.

My sole focus for the June 2021 WREIA meeting is:
Helping you understand how to use Joint Ventures to Grow!

Spend a few moments with us at our next WREIA meeting Monday night– it could save you a fortune down the road.

See you Monday!