Are you an Investor or an Entrepreneur?

We sent out an announcement yesterday about our next WREIA meeting Monday night.

Later, in the afternoon, I got a call on my cell phone.

“Great topic!” was what I heard when I said hello.

“You plan on talking about how people need to start taking more risks to make bigger checks?!!”

I laughed.

“No, Not like that at all.” was my reply.

If you want to get in on the discussion – join us Monday night for WREIA. You might pick up a few tips about growing your business.

You might walk away with an ability to fine tune and focus your energy.

Even better – you might walk away with a few tips on how to focus your time.

In 20 plus years, sure, I’ve made a few mistakes, and gained a lot of insight into what makes the world of real estate so great – not just for today, but tomorrow as well.

I want to share those lessons with you Monday night.

The topic for WREIA this month is:
“Ask Yourself: Are you an Investor or an Entrepreneur?”

Bring some questions Monday night.

We have a great group of investors who tune in to watch, interact and help other local DC area investors each month – even though we went virtual over a year ago.

Come join us!

My sole focus for the June 2021 WREIA meeting is:
Helping you understand how to Grow!

Spend a few moments with us at our next WREIA meeting Monday night– it could save you a fortune down the road.
See you Monday!