Monthly Archives: January 2024

WREIA Team of ’24 – Starting Saturday March 23rd

In the competitive world of real estate, it’s not enough to have the knowledge and skills to close deals.

You need to surround yourself with the right professionals to succeed in today’s tough and ever-changing market.

In a fall of ’23 WREIA meeting we announced the next “live” phase of WREIA.
We called it “The Team of ’24”.

For a lot of people in our line of work, sitting behind a computer all day is – well – difficult.
We would love to be surrounded by real people who are passionate about this business, without all the “fluff” of traditional networking groups.

Networking groups are groups of like-minded individuals who come together to share ideas, strategies, and resources. In the real estate industry, these groups can include agents, brokers, mortgage professionals, appraisers, and other experts.

Remember – We mentioned that we will be kieeping our “Team of ’24” small and focused.

No matter where you are in your career you can benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of its members, expanding your reach and opportunities.

One of the most significant benefits of the TEAM is access to a vast pool of resources. Team of ’24 members will have access to exclusive tools, reports, and data that can help you stay ahead of the curve.

For instance, you can learn about new industry trends, discover emerging markets, or access information about the latest technologies and software.

Another critical advantage of Team of ’24 is the opportunity to build relationships with like-minded professionals. In real estate, relationships are everything. When you build a strong network of professionals, you can leverage their connections to expand your own.

You may also find mentorship opportunities, which can be invaluable in a field where the learning curve can be steep.

The Team of ’24 can also help you find new clients and increase your visibility. By joining the Team of , you can tap into a broader network of potential clients and referral sources. You may also have the opportunity to showcase your expertise by speaking at events or writing articles for another members newsletter or blog.

In today’s real estate market, where competition is fierce, the Team of ’24 could help you stay ahead of the curve. By keeping up with the latest trends, building relationships with like-minded professionals, and accessing valuable resources, you can set yourself apart from the competition and grow your business.

So, whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting in real estate, consider joining the Team of ’24. Surrounding yourself with the right professionals is essential to your success in today’s tough and ever-changing market.

Click Here to Sign Up.

2024 Real Estate Forecast for the DMV and Beyond

Remember – our first virtual WREIA meeting this Monday January 22nd, 2024, at 7:00 PM.

The meeting will be a session focusing on “The 2024 Real Estate Forecast for the DMV and Beyond.”

But first – how about a little insight from the “pro’s” over at Zillow.

Zillow has their 2024 housing predictions posted online.

Some of the articles big take-aways for me:

  • The average homebuyer in Oct. was spending 40% of their earnings on their mortgage payment.
  • The new starter home will be a single-family rental.
  • Home values will hold steady.

It’s hard to argue with the facts – but some of their predictions are going to be wrong.

After decades in this business I can tell you this – NO ONE knows what will happen in 2024 when it comes to real estate.

You need to be ready – and be prepared – especially if you are thinking about buying or selling your primary or secondary homes.

2024 is going to be an exciting year for real estate. There is no doubt in my mind – we are going to need to be ready for what is about to happen.

Most people are not going to see it coming – and will be caught off guard.

So – join us Monday night as we kick off the new year!

Let’s get ready for the spring months ahead – and don’t get caught off guard!


We just finished planning the WREIA calendar for 2024.

We are going to be focused on essential skills and practical strategies you can use in your business every month.

You asked – and we plan to deliver in 2024.

You wanted more lessons on what it’s really like to be in the market TODAY. We plan to share the gritty details.

You want more skill building – so you can be ready when the opportunity strikes.

You asked for more industry insights – we plan to open our network and introduce you to more people, the true professionals, who make a living in real estate.

Lastly – if you need help on a deal, I’m still just a phone call or text away. Let me know how I can help.

John – 301-943-5535

Your Key Takeaway:

Get ready for an exciting and knowledge-packed January WREIA meeting!