Washington Real Estate Investors Association – May Meeting Tonight

Remember When…

Do you remember your first real estate transaction? How much did you make on your first deal? Almost everyone I talk with that has been in this business for any length of time knows their profit (or loss), to the penny.

Perhaps you “wholesaled” your property and made 3,5 or 10 grand. Or maybe you did a renovation yourself and made 10 or 20k. Or, did you go the buy and hold route and you still own your first investment property?

Did you jump right into small commercial property? If you are into commercial property, there is a great article this morning in the Wall Street Journal. What I found most interesting was the graph inside the article showing the number of the transactions through the last few years. You can see for yourself that 2009 was a really, really, challenging year to be involved in commercial real estate.

You can find the article at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204652904577196822083979222.html

Whether your prefer residential or commercial, tonight at WREIA we are going to be intensely focused on properties in the DC metro area. If you have been struggling to get started and do your first deal in Washington, you will find tonight helpful. On the other hand, if you “sense” that you should be growing your business during this correction, we are going to shed some light on what might be the root cause of your problems.

Oh, and I hope you are not disappointed. There is nothing to buy tonight. We are simply going to show you some trends that are happening on the front lines of this business. Then we will share some insight on where other businesses are focused going forward into 2013.

Meet Us Tonight At The May WREIA Meeting
Getting Started or Restarted In 2012
5 Major Challenges Influencing Today’s Market That Didn’t Exist in 2005

Doors will open at 6:30 for refreshments and networking.
Small group discussions will begin at 6:45.

Times have changed – pretty dramatically – since 2005. There are many new challenges that you face in 2012.

The commercial property article mentioned above is about flexibility. I hope you aren’t stuck running your business like you did in 2005. Today is intensely competitive and more about moving quickly and making good quick decisions – then implementing your plan.

Plan to join us in Bethesda tonight. We are working hard to give you the skills, tools, and access to the people you need to avoid mistakes and be successful.

How can I help you?

John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

P.S. I posted more details about tonight on our Profitable Property Channel at http://www.youtube.com/ProfitableProperty

P.P.S Yes, we are still lending on great deals. If you need a finance partner in the Washington DC area, we have capital available. You can request a funding letter or share details on your property at http://dchardmoneylender.com/quick-property-submit/


Register now for tonight’s WREIA meeting online, save $5, and skip the registration line!

You will also find the registration link at http://wreia-may2012-wreia.eventbrite.com