Two Week Challenge For Real Estate Investors

Remember When…

This is the time of year when we all get a ton of graduation party invitations. It might be graduation from kindergarten, elementary or high school, college or a trade school.The invitation that stuck out to me this year was for a friends son who was graduating from law school.  Quite frankly, I was impressed.  His son never struck me as a real go-getter. When I called to congratulate the father, I asked what the young man’s plans were now.  The answer – “Well, it’s a bit of a soft job market, but he has a few good interviews. I’m sure something will pan out.”
AMAZING!!  This young man had 19 years of school and he doesn’t know where he is headed?

Anyway, all the graduation celebrating brings back fond memories for me.

But let’s start at the beginning – Do you remember your FIRST day of school?

For most of us, it was exciting, or maybe even a little scary.  When we first arrived at school, we learned the “rules”.  Raise your hand, no talking or laughing, and no pushing or pulling hair. And when the class has to go to lunch or recess, we all have to stand in a straight line and follow the person in front of you.   I never did very well at that straight line rule.  Today, when I drive around looking at properties near a school, I see that some brilliant teacher discovered  the trick is to get all the kids to hold onto a rope. It might not be a straight line, but at least the kids aren’t wandering off anymore.

Eventually, graduation arrives and we launch off into the real world, and realize that some of the rules don’t apply anymore.  If you have a question about setting up your utilities, raising your hand alone in your first apartment will do you absolutely no good.  You can finally talk and laugh all you want, but there is still no pushing, even in a game of pick-up basketball.

The rules are different when you grow up, and making friends and networking is a necessity.  I’m not talking about making friends on Facebook.   I’m talking about people you can call when you have a question, and need some help.  I’m talking about REAL help.  Friends that can help when “My deal is about to fall apart if I don’t find an inspector in the next 48 hours, because if it does – I might lose my 30 grand in profit.”  Those helpful “friends” are especially hard to find online if all your Facebook “friends” are just interested in sharing funny cat videos.

Don’t get me wrong,  Facebook is a great tool you can use in your business.  On the Profitable Property Facebook page, we have a good group of people who often find and contact us when they need some help.  In fact, last month we shared the entire Power Point presentation from the May WREIA meeting.  The presentation is still posted at

HOWEVER, if you never leave the online world, and venture out to meet new “live” people – your business will die a slow, painful death.

Meet Us June 18th At The June WREIA Meeting
“Power Networking As A Real Estate Investor”
Doors will open at 6:30 for refreshments and networking.
Small group discussions will begin at 6:45.  

The business rules today are very different from the strict rules you learned in elementary school.  Luckily, there are people who will share the new rules and how you can succeed by using them.  Until recently, I had never heard of the Johari Window. It’s mentioned on page 152 of the current WREIA book club book – Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi.

Never Eat Alone

In fact, Keith writes that early in his career, one of his mentors brought the Johari Window concept to his attention.  Today, because of that simple moment of sharing, he says “…I’m forever grateful.”

That’s how it works – one person making just one comment can change your career – forever.  These days you will easily find people online, but make it a point to actually meet the people you find interesting or who you find yourself starting to trust about business.

So this month, let’s learn something new AND update your skill set.

Ready?  Let’s go……

Here is my personal two week challenge for you: 

Make at least 3 new connections over the next two weeks.

There are two simple rulesI want you to follow.

  1. These new connections cannot be online.  I want these new contacts to be people you meet in the real world. Over the phone, in person, or at an event.  Maybe it’s at a closing, or calling on a listing.
  2. I want you to talk with them for a minimum of three minutes.  Not just standing in line, and casually saying “hi” but actually engaging someone in a good short conversation.

BONUS *** You get bonus points if in those three short minutes you mention that you are a real estate investor looking for your next property.

Some of you are going to be shocked at the outcome.  Out here in the real world, conversations with real people lead to real money. Most of my so-called “competition” is on Facebook looking at cat videos hoping that something will “pan out”.

That is your challenge.  You have two weeks to have a three minute conversation with at least three new people.

It’s time for you to graduate. Make it a point to update your skills and start playing by the rules of business that exist today.

Now get going!!

If you unearth a deal and need some help, call or email and let me know.

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder
P.S Yes, we are still lending on great deals.  If you need a finance partner in the Washington DC area, we do have capital available.  You can request a funding letter or share details on your property at 


Register now for the June WREIA meeting online, save $5, and skip the registration line!
You will also find the registration link at