Thousands line up for zero-down-payment, subprime mortgages

Following the subprime mortgage crisis, low-income borrowers with low credit scores were locked out of homeownership. Now a major player in the subprime crisis is backing new loans to the same borrowers but with a far different product.

Magdalene Altidor lost her home to foreclosure during the subprime mortgage crisis, but this week she was first in line at a four-day event in Miami where borrowers with poor credit were offered no-down payment, low interest rate loans.

“I left home, it was about 4 a.m.,” she laughed. “I’m ready to purchase a home.”

The event is one of several being held in cities across America this year, run by the nonprofit, Boston-based brokerage Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, or NACA.

“It’s a national disgrace about the low amount of homeownership, mortgages for low- and moderate-income people and for minority homebuyers,” said Bruce Marks, CEO of NACA. “In the loans that we’ve originated in the past 6 years, zero foreclosures.”

Marks and NACA were front and center during the subprime mortgage crisis, holding mass mortgage modification events across the country with banks and servicers. Bank of America was there then and the bank is with NACA now, backing the program with $10 billion in mortgage commitments.

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