“There is room for a lot of winners.” – Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is without question one of the big thinkers of our time.
Thanks to the fiasco going on over at Wells Fargo, he just passed Warren Buffet as the third richest man – in the world. 
One of may favorite comments of the last month is by Mr. Bezos and was just posted in an article by the Washington Post – which he also owns.
He says:  “Competition is super healthy…Great industries are never made by single companies. …There is room for a lot of winners.”
It is another example of how successful people think.
Competition is good.
But if people don’t even know that you exist – you will never have the opportunity to even get on the field, let alone compete.
Marketing you and your business is a key to success these days.  You can no longer sit around, write a blog post and wait for a phone to ring.  You have to get yourself out in front of your target audience.
It’s not your fault you may be struggling.  What makes things difficult these days is that people are spending time in so many places it can be very difficult to find them. If you are lucky enough to find them, what do you say to them that isn’t just a sales message?
Are you are struggling to understand where we headed in the field of business marketing?  I invite you to join us on Monday.
This Monday evening, one of our local marketing “big thinkers” is going to share with our WREIA members specific tactics you can implement and improve to help you reach your target audience.
Come on out and join us.
Join us next Monday, Sept. 19th for the food, the network, the learning and expand your belief that other people are out with me right here in the DC area making money in Real Estate.
The topic this month is “MARKETING”. Our speaker this month is going to show you how he has grown his company by helping me and other clients across the country uncover hidden real estate investment gems in our local areas.
Let me tell you – This stuff works.
His low key, under-hyped and personalized mix of online and offline strategies has helped my business, and I know they will help yours too.
You are going to have the opportunity to look over his shoulder as he shows you how he puts together campaigns that regularly result in 100k a year for active investors and agents.
So come on out and listen in as he cuts through the hype, and shows you real world results of recent marketing campaigns that result in profits.
Save a few dollars and reserve your seat early.  Then join us at WREIA on Sept. 19th.
This meeting will be a great way to say goodbye to the the summer season, get you motivated, and pick up some momentum for the remainder of 2016.
Reserve your seat for the Sept. 2016 WREIA meeting here.
Make this year a great year for your business!
Let me know how I can help you,
John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder