Sponsored Social Media Marketing Classes & End Of Year Wrap-up

Unbelievable. I looked up at the calendar and it’s November already….

What happened to 2012!!??

I hope you have had an exciting and profitable 2012. We only have a few chances for you to catch us as we start ramping up our renovation business for 2013.

Just like you, we are out there every day looking for those lucrative projects to start as we head into the end of the year. We have joint venture opportunities and capital to lend on your great projects so don’t be shy. We would love to help you get your ready-to-sell inventory primed for the spring buying rush.

For those of you who attended our October WREIA meeting, you know that we are focused and planning on doing good, solid projects, in sought after communities, across our broader DC region.

Some of you also mentioned the WREIA meeting in September was helpful and exciting, but you wanted to see more of the tools and techniques we use to generate interest and leads for the projects we do.

Well, we heard you. On November 2nd, WREIA and Profitable Property are sponsoring a super low-cost 2 part training that will knock your socks off.

At our old stomping grounds at the Rockville Hilton, we are going to be showing you more of our numbers and the results we are getting from online and social media marketing campaigns here in the DC area.

The class is jam packed with tons of information you can act on as soon as you leave the building. For those of you who are super motivated, you could actually start using some of the tools in the lobby……

We are going to be showing you details on why and how much time you should be spending on social media. Believe me, if you are seasoned in this business, you could be spending as little at 6 hours – A WEEK – on social media marketing and generating all the leads you can handle. (In fact, 61% are seeing lead generation benefits with 6 hours or less.)

Please understand – I said 6 hours for seasoned business owners.  If you are getting started, it will take a little more work than 6 hours per week to get your plan up and running.

Friday Nov. 2nd is not for the “push a button and I’m rich” crowd.

This business today takes some hustle.

Friday Nov. 2nd is not for the “I’ll just hire someone on Odesk to do it for me” business owner.

The hungry outsourcing crowd on Odesk offer services that could actually hurt your business online today. You have to know what to tell them to do – as well as understand why they are doing it. Our online contractors are doing very different work for us today compared to what they were doing in 2009.

If you are just getting started in this business or your marketing online could use a jump-start – that’s OK. You are really going to enjoy the morning session from 9-11AM.

However, if you have a good system up and running already, and want to get out in front of your competition, you will want to attend the Advanced class from 12-2PM.

Of course you can choose the morning Beginner & Getting Started session, the afternoon Advanced session or simply attend both. Get more details on the two sessions here.

Please don’t wait to register. For the first time, our new affiliates went live and started marketing to their lists yesterday.

We only have 30 seats and at the rate we are going, this class is going to sell out soon. You cannot plan on coming to the door to register – you simply will not find a seat. (We offered the same class last year, and sadly, some of our members were turned away at the door. If your marketing needs help, please don’t let that happen to you on Nov. 2nd.)

Bring your marketing frustrations and questions – this is an interactive training experience.

Let me sum up the class by saying this:

Both sessions are focused on creating multimedia content your clients and customers will engage and respond to – with an intense focus on generating a bottom-line, dollar denominated, measurable profit for your business.

You can find even more details and register here or at

Now – on to the last WREIA meeting of the year.

Last year, we had the most positive feedback and comments from the November WREIA monthly meeting – BY FAR. Dozens of people let us know how much they enjoyed the evening.

We are going to bring in some of our WREIA members who are superstars, and they tell you what they did, and how well they did over the course of 2012. They are not joining us to brag about themselves, but to help motivate you. (If you are interested in sharing your success story, let us know.)

We plan this November format because of one simple reason:

When you see other people doing it, you realize you can do it too.

Let me know how I can help you,

John Peterson