Perfect Property vs. The Perfect Car

While real estate investing and buying a car may seem like two completely different things, they have more in common than you might think.

Not long ago my son was looking at buying his first vehicle.

His job was going well, and it was time to “graduate” into his first car that wasn’t from his parents or passed down from a relative.

When we were talking over the holiday break about what type of car he was looking to buy it was pretty obvious he had learned a few things growing up working on some of my properties.

First – he understood he had a budget.

Just like buying a car, real estate investing requires setting a budget. You need to determine how much money you’re willing to invest in your property, and take into account additional costs like taxes, insurance, and repairs. Similarly, when buying a car, you need to consider your budget, and the costs associated with owning the car such as fuel, insurance, and maintenance.

For some reason, and maybe because he was reading too many headlines, but he was very concerned about gas mileage. He wanted to make sure the car that he bought “got great mileage” because he likes to go on roadtrips on the weekend.

Next – He did a lot of research.

When it comes to buying a car, research is key. You need to know the type of car you want and the features you need. This is similar to researching the real estate market, where you need to look at the neighborhoods you’re interested in and research their property values, rental rates, and demand. Both require a significant amount of research to make an informed decision and find the best option for your needs.

And this last one makes a father proud.

Another way that real estate investing is like buying a car- remember the long-term costs.
My son was quickly starting to realize that owning a car requires more than just the initial purchase price; you also need to factor in ongoing costs such as fuel, insurance, and maintenance.

Similarly, owning a rental property requires ongoing hidden costs such as property taxes, maintenance, and insurance. By considering the long-term costs, you can ensure that you’re making a sound investment that aligns with your goals and budget.

While real estate investing and buying a car may seem like two completely different things, they share many similarities. Both require a significant amount of research, careful consideration of the long-term costs, and a clear understanding of your goals and budget.

By taking the time to make an informed decision, you can find the best option for your needs and make a sound investment.

This month for our WREIA meeting we are going to walk through some real world budgets when it comes to fixing up and maintaining a property.

Wholesaleing, fixing and flipping and buying rentals each requires a different level of financial commitment.

And let me tell you – the budgets in 2023 are not the same as they were in 2003!
Come join us Monday evening as we walk through a few real DC area properties that we just finished or are wrapping up now.

Take a peak “under the hood” and maybe pick up a few items that will help you on your journey to your next property!

It’s not easy. But it is very rewarding to walk away every month with a rental check, or walk away from settlement with a nice profit after fixing up a property.

So – let’s find the perfect property for your situation at WREIA this month.
Join us Monday night.

The topic for WREIA this month is:
“Finding the Perfect Property”

Come join us!

My sole focus for the February 2023 WREIA meeting is:
Find a Profitable Perfect Property

Spend a few moments with us at our next WREIA meeting Monday night- it could save you a fortune down the road.

See you Monday!

Remember to grab a virtual reservation here and we will send you a reminder a few moments before we kick off the February 2023 meeting Monday at 7PM.
Go ahead – grab a ticket. (And yes, there is still no charge to attend.)
Taking Action Is A Key To Success.