
Thanksgiving is an interesting time of year for me this year.

It will be a first without both of my parents.

Both of my kids are out of the house and starting to venture into college and the other is full-time adulting.

In other words, times have changed, and will continue to do so.

In the last few days, its becoming pretty obvious that there have been some big changes around my house.

When it comes to investing in real estate, big changes have taken place over the last few decades.

It’s very different today that it was even 5 years ago.

Competition is coming from bigger and bigger companies, but that leaves local investors with a distinct advantage.

And if you can point out those advantages when it comes to buying an investment property – you can leverage those right into a favorable contract and closing.

You don’t need to be a smooth talker or a master salesperson.

In fact, the more “normal” you are – the better.

What you do have to know how to do is “ask for the order”. In our case, you simply need to make an offer on a property.

And if you know how to do it, you can sometimes get real creative with how you pay for that property.

Not everyone wants, or needs a big check in 7 days.

Because every situation is different, you need to know how to and be able to position yourself as someone who can simply show up and get the job done.

That goes a long way these days.

Have you heard of all the people getting laid off across the country now, and even more are expected in the coming months?

It would be good if your relatives around the Thanksgiving table knew that you were someone who could help someone sell and exit their property with dignity, before they get too far behind in payments and potentially lose their home to foreclosure.

I’ll share a few things that you can pass on to family and friends that will help position yourself correctly over the Thanksgiving break.

Now – back to our WREIA topic this month – Round 2 Of “Financing In An Unstable Market”.

Whether you are buying your own personal home, or an investment property, you are going to have to show up on closing day with a check.

You have options on where that money comes from – and believe it or not, it does not always have to come from a bank or mortgage company.

If you have great income and great credit, you are not going to have much of a problem.

But for some of us – we need to find alternatives – because the easy money of the last few years is gone.

And alternatives are out there – and getting bigger by the day.


Join me Monday night at WREIA and be ready for the coming changes in our DC area markets.

It’s a perfect time to be an investor – especially one that knows how to make deals happen.

Join us Monday night.

The topic for WREIA this month is:

“The Best Financing Strategies In An Unstable Market – Part 2

That’s right. There is so much to talk about that we broke this meeting up into two parts. And we are going to send you into 2023 armed with a few negotiating tactics that will set you apart from the ever fewer number of retail buyers in this market.

Come join us!

My sole focus for the November 2022 WREIA meeting is:

Helping you make deals happen.

Spend a few moments with us at our next WREIA meeting Monday night– it could save you a fortune down the road.

See you Monday!