Pantone Color Of The Year

Living Coral is not a color I plan on incorporating in my projects, but I appreciate the effort.

If you missed the article in Forbes, you can still catch it online here. It’s a full article with examples of how top designers have incorporated the color throughout homes across the country.

It is certainly a huge contrast from last years dark Violet “color of the year” choice.

On second thought, maybe I can throw in a rug, or a few bath towels when staging our next property. This “Living Coral” just strikes me as a color that can quickly be overused.

My first thought when I saw the announcement was “It’s just so close to Pepto Bismol pink for my taste.”

I have to hand it to the people at Pantone though. Their description of the color is outstanding. From the Pantone site I found these gems:

“Vibrant, yet mellow PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral embraces us with warmth and nourishment to provide comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment.

In reaction to the onslaught of digital technology and social media increasingly embedding into daily life, we are seeking authentic and immersive experiences that enable connection and intimacy.

Sociable and spirited, the engaging nature of PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral welcomes and encourages lighthearted activity. Symbolizing our innate need for optimism and joyful pursuits, PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral embodies our desire for playful expression.

Representing the fusion of modern life, PANTONE Living Coral is a nurturing color that appears in our natural surroundings and at the same time, displays a lively presence within social media.”

Give that writer a raise! “…. embodies our desire for playful expression?”

I think what they are going for is this:

2018 was a tough year for some people. We seemed to end the year on a dark note, thanks – in part – to the dark Violet choice of 2018. Pantone decided to lighten the mood and came out swinging with Living Coral.

So – good for the Pantone people. Maybe it’s time we all lightened the mood a bit. Let’s get back into the design side of the business, enjoy ourselves and get a little playful again.

We have invited a panel of experts to have a little fun and join us at the February WREIA meeting to help answer your questions about trends on the design side and other aspects of renovation.

Come out on Monday, Feb. 25th, and hear what is working (and not working) across the DC area.

Join us and learn:

How they got started & where their rehabbing business is today

How they find their deals & quickly analyze a deal and make a buying decision

How they fund their deals

Kinds of houses they like to buy and those they try to avoid

Where to buy and where not to buy

How to set your business up for the best chance of success

Learn answers to your questions and much more!

Join us at WREIA this month and you can learn from REAL PEOPLE having REAL SUCCESS in Real Estate.

Happy February and see you soon!

John Peterson
Founder, Washington Real Estate Investors Association

Oh, and Wholesalers – bring your deals to share with the members!