Less Is More

Re: Less is more

It’s true – Less can be more – if done properly.

If you keep doing the same thing but do less of it, you will likely have even less of the same results.


When you change the “stuff” you are doing – things will change.

For instance:

If you are looking for houses in our area but you are only combing through the MLS have you been getting more frustrated over the last few years? The answer is probably “yes”. That’s because very few people find good DC area “deals” via the MLS list of properties.

Now, instead of looking at only residential properties, why not add – just one day a month – where you look at small commercial properties?

Of course, you will have additional results that you did not have before.

Now, what if you started to look for multi-unit properties outside of your normal area? Even more results!

Would you be doing less of your normal activities, but actually doing more – simply by contacting more people?

This way of thinking can be a difficult concept for some people to understand.

Some of my best deals through the years have come from places and people that were not in my normal course of business. They happened because I was doing LESS of my NORMAL activities, and MORE of something different.

I ventured into places unknown, but I was still armed with the knowledge I had from places I had already been.

I hope you join us at our October WREIA meeting tonight.

If you understand the basics of property investing I will show you how you can easily add multi-unit opportunities to your list of daily, weekly or monthly activities.

If you’re interested in “GOING BIG” and adding some commercial multi-units to your portfolio at some point in your investing career join us at WREIA tonight – Oct. 15th in Bethesda.

Monday, Oct. 15th at Washington REIA.

Will you be with us?

Bring your questions for the Q&A section.

Save a few dollars and reserve your seat early. Then join us at WREIA – Monday, Oct. 15th. It will be a great meeting to get you motivated and get some momentum for the final months of 2018.

Join us as we enjoy “Multi-Unit Property Investing”

Meet real people doing real deals in real estate – right here in the DC/Baltimore area.

Reserve your seat at this link.

John Peterson
Founder, Washington Real Estate Investors Association