Host of Big Brother Sells Her Malibu Home…. At 14% Discount


Julie Chen has been the host of the TV show Big Brother since back in 2000 when it started.  Quite frankly, it’s a show I don’t really understand, but none-the-less.  It’s a job for Julie and apparently helps pay the bills.

Julie and her husband, the Chairman and CEO of CBS Les Moonves,  sold their beach house in California back in July for about 14% less than they originally listed it for – discounting their home by about 1.8 Million.

They originally listed their home for 12.995 million before they dropped the price to $11.995.  Ultimately, the sales price was $11.125 million.

The home was sold to someone who must really like the look and feel of teak wood.  You can find more details and photos of the property at

They originally bought the home in 2008 for $10 million.  We all know they had some closing expenses and paid a sizable commission – so they probably walked away at about break-even.

Let’s not feel bad for Julie and Les though.  A little earlier this summer they bought another beach house up the road from Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen for $28.8 Million.

We talk about it at WREIA all the time.  Everyone has their motives when they decide to sell a property, but it makes me wonder if Paul saw the property before he bought it.  It is another Malibu oceanfront property, making it a little hard to get away from the sound of the crashing surf.

Paul Allen reportedly didn’t spend much time there.  A source says “He hated the sound of the ocean.”

Remember…We will have WREIA this month on this Monday, Sept. 15th
Same Place, Same Time.
You can meet us all at the same place at the Womans Club of Bethesda, and we will start at the same time, opening the doors at 6:30 for light refreshments and networking.
“Successful Real Estate Marketing”
 Reserve Your Seat Here For The WREIA September Event

Join us at WREIA Monday night September 15th, and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your business.

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

P.S.  The answer is YES, in 2014 we are definitely doing partner deals with our students and WREIA members.  Maybe you need some help with financing or could use a valuable construction partner with years of experience. Or do you need us to help speed up the process for you, and help drive your business to the next level?   We are here to help.  Just send us a few quick details at  and we will get back to you ASAP.

P.P.S.  Keep an eye out for an article tomorrow about my conversation about Pinterest.