Elon Musk and Marketing

Re: Elon Musk and Marketing

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, just did the unthinkable on a podcast.

The graphic above gives you a hint as to what happened overnight and the results so far.

That said – why would he do this?

We already know two executives have resigned.

What will the fallout look like? Is it career ending?


Is this part of the genius of Elon Musk?

Nike is another company in the middle of the headlines this week – some say good, some say bad.

The bottom line is this – people are talking about both Mr. Musk and Nike, and they are causing emotions to run high. (no pun intended)

Wondering how you can use some of the same techniques in your own business?

More importantly, would you like to know how you can attract people that are EASY for you to do business with?

I had a call a short while ago with our speaker this month at WREIA. He has connected the dots for me in a way that is easy to understand.

In short – there is probably never been a better time to market your product or service, online or offline, than RIGHT NOW.

I think you should set aside a few moments to be with us on Aug. 17th.

FAIR WARNING: Our speaker will be discussing some controversial topics and people. Some of them are completely off my radar, but I’m giving some special permissions this month to discuss them with our audience and WREIA members.

Saying that, he is also going to connect the pieces for you and show you how you can use the same techniques to build your business – quickly.

Monday, September 17th at Washington REIA.

Will I see you there?

Bring your questions for the Q&A section.

Save a few dollars and reserve your seat early. Then join us at WREIA – Monday, Sept. 17th. It will be a great meeting to get you motivated, and get some momentum for the final months of 2018.

Join us as we enjoy “Successful Real Estate Marketing”

Meet real people doing real deals in real estate – right here in the DC/Baltimore area.

Reserve your seat at this link.

John Peterson
Founder, Washington Real Estate Investors Association