Corporate Spys Making You Nervous?

Are you worried someone is going to find out how much success you are having and “steal” your secrets?

I’m certainly not.

Or maybe you are NOT having success, and you are wondering what “secrets” people are keeping from you that is stopping you from moving forward in your business.

Stealing trade secrets have become such a big part of business that China is devoting entire divisions of their armed forces to corporate espionage.  Corporate espionage and all the harm that it is causing US companies made the front page of the Wall Street Journal today.

But, do you want to hear the truth about success?  This is going to be a shocker to some of you.

“Success rewards those who are most prepared to meet it.”

Your competition and even those secret divisions of the Chinese army cannot steal their way to success.  It takes hard work to succeed today.  No one will convince me otherwise.

If you are sitting at home, watching Facebook for the next great real estate deal let me take you by the shoulders, shake you and let you in on a little secret.  Get away from your computer for a bit, and go out and actually SEE some neighborhoods.  Drive by a few houses, and see if you can find someone who could use your help.

The odds are pretty good that within just a few miles of where you are sitting right now, someone is DESPERATE to find someone like you to help them get out of the huge problem that is keeping them awake at night.

No one is keeping secrets from you.  Geez, on Monday night you are going to hear a few things that keep our business profitable year after year when it comes to dealing with contractors.  For that matter, you are going to hear directly FROM a successful licensed contractor about what they are doing to keep their clients happy and keep their business operating at a profit.

No one is keeping secrets from you – you have to go find your success.  Get up, get moving and go find yours.  Claim it.

I hope I see you on Monday night – I will be happy to SHARE as many of my secrets as possible.

This Monday at WREIA we are going to be talking about and talking to contractors.  Come out and learn when to hire them, and when you absolutely MUST fire them. Learn first hand what it takes to get a General Contractors (GC) license, and why continuing education is such a big part of holding a professional GC license.

Please make plans to join us.  You can find the registration page at

Come join us Monday, Feb. 25th and listen in as we discuss contractors.  You will be glad you did.

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, Founder