A short Video about the Oct. 2020 WREIA meeting.

You can catch a few more details about this months WREIA meeting at the video below.

Nearly all of my career has been spent investing here in the DC area.

I have learned a lot about the area, the people and of course made a few mistakes along the way. I hope to share some of those experiences at our WREIA meeting this Monday.

Most of our topic this month will be steered toward someone who is new to the business.
For that matter, maybe you are not new, but you will get something out of this meeting if you are simply struggling with all the changes over the last 10+ years.

Because the reality is – the DC area has changed a LOT over the last 10 years.

I hope you join us on Monday at our still virtual October 2020 WREIA meeting.

You can grab a virtual seat here at this link.