7 Business Marketing Tricks – (LINK)

trickhatRe: 7 Business Marketing Tricks

 The link below will take you to a USA Today article posted just a few days ago.

Guess what topic is #1 on this list of marketing “tricks”?


I couldn’t have said it better myself. But let’s give credit where it is due. The author is spot on with her statement that –

“Email is still an extremely effective method of keeping your name in front of prospects and customers.”

You may have heard me say this at WREIA a few times over the last couple of years:  “I wish I had started collecting and organizing my contacts sooner in my career.”

You can still find my post on a recent email test with a 40% response rate.
Details are posted on our WREIA blog Here. 

When I finally did start organizing the information on people I met – it was a little messy.  When someone gave me their business card I went back to the office and pasted their card to a 3×5 index card and put it in a small plastic box.

Pretty quickly I outgrew the little plastic box.   My card colleciton stayed on paper but I moved everyone to a circular “rolodex”.  Finally in the early 2000’s my office assistant moved all of that information to a new electronic contact management system.

Email is so much cheaper and easier than my old system. We all know this at this point.  What has made things difficult now is spam filters and other guards that people have put around their inbox – and for good reason.

#4 on the authors list is “Join a local organization and go regularly.”

Networking is essential to the success of your business.  At some point in your work day it’s important to step out from behind the laptop and smart phone tethers and go live with a conversation with real people in real time.

Sure, you can keep up with people online and through email, but nothing beats a real live person-to-person conversation.  It’s why airlines have no chance of going out of business.  People have a need to connect.  No amount of email or Facebook posts will ever be as good as a hug from an old friend or family member.

When it comes to business, the best among us know that it’s hard to “lose” when you have a chance to look right in the eye of your customer and tell them why you have the best solution to their problem.

WREIA is different from every other group in the DC area. Your defenses won’t go up when you see this months out of town expert trying to sell you some packaged way to find homes or connect with people.

Our WREIA members know that they can expect real world solutions from DC professionals who do what we do for a living.

This month is no different.

Remember – This meeting starts the home stretch of 2015. 
After our Sept. meeting – there only 2 WREIA meetings left in 2015!

Come on out and join other WREIA members this month.

It’s going to be like a one night mini-course on how to generate leads and property referrals from people you know and even from people who have never heard of you.

On Sept. 28th doors open and networking starts at 6:30pm.Reserve your seat today and come join us. I guarantee you’ll be happy you did.
Reserve your seat for our September 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

Make this week a great week for your business!

John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, Founder