Video – “Power Networking” w/ Role Playing at WREIA This Month

If you have ever struggled in a conversation about your business  you are going to love WREIA this month.

In the video below I describe with a little more detail exactly what we are going to be focused on when it comes to Power Networking for more deals at our WREIA meeting this month.

We are going to go way beyond the first few lines of getting to know someone and focus on where many people stumble when they get to the harder questions about deals here in the Washington DC area.

Reserve your seat and then come on out to join all of our members at WREIA this month.

Monday July 20th – Doors open at 6:30.

Is Asking Questions Really The Source Of All Knowledge?

Tuesday Morning
Re: Asking Questions

handThe art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge. 

Thomas Berger, American Novelist

Thomas Berger was a Pulitzer prize finalist, and among many other accomplishments Mr. Berger had his book Little Big Man tuned into a movie (1970) staring Dustin Hoffman.

For years Mr. Berger was at the top of his game.  We all know that you can learn great things from the people around you that are leaders in their field.

But you can learn MORE when you know the right questions to ask.

And our line of work is no different.  Asking the right questions can put you out in front when it comes to closing deals that benefit everyone.

The problem is, how do you learn the right questions?  Better yet, what is the best way to learn HOW to ask those questions?

For the past few years we have asked our WREIA members what they enjoy most about our monthly meetings.  Every year one of the regular answers has been the meetings that we devote to Role Playing.

When I think back on it, when I was first getting started one of the largest strokes of good fortune I had was my ability to sit next to my mentor Ernie Kessler and listen to him respond to phone calls.

One of the things he did very well was listen.  But first he got the ball rolling by asking the right questions.  In just a few short minutes he could create deals that  pleased everyone involved and he did it in such an easy way.

Even today, I think that is a great formula for success – Ask questions and listen (really listen) to the answers.

At our WREIA meeting on Monday night we are going to do some role playing and you get to sit back and listen to how we engage people in various, and sometimes difficult situations.

Just a few scenarios we are going to talk about:

  • When your friends ask what you do – What do you say?
  • What questions do you ask on that first phone call from someone who NEEDS to sell their house because they are going through a divorce?
  • When you know the deal is not going to work – How do you tell someone that you are not interested in buying their home?
  • Do you sometimes not follow up on a lead because you don’t know what to do with it or don’t want to be distracted by something outside of your cookie cutter deals? (This happens a lot. I can give you an easy out on this one that will make you look professional and maybe even help you earn a few dollars too.)
  • When you meet an attorney do you know what to ask that will get their attention and maybe even a meeting over coffee, breakfast or lunch?  (This is very relevant right now in July of 2015.)
  • How do  you make an impression on other Real Estate Agents with one simple question?

By the way – here is your chance to ask some questions of your own.

If you have a recent situation or question that you were asked, but you didn’t know how to respond – let us know.  Call the office (301-881-5541)  or email us.  Give us some general details on where you got stuck in a conversation and we will try to make it part of the presentation on Monday night.

The best part is – we have a VERY active membership and someone else in the crowd on Monday night may offer an alternative way to respond to your situation that has worked for them in the past.

Remember – This is the last meeting of the summer. 
After this Monday night our next meeting will be in September. 

Come on out and join other WREIA members this month.

It’s going to be like a one night mini-course on how to generate leads from people you know. I will explain what I did when I was first getting started, and what I do differently today to bring in “Network” deals.

On July 20th doors open and networking starts at 6:30 on that Monday evening.

Reserve your seat today and come join us. I guarantee you’ll be happy you did.


Reserve your seat for our July 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

Make this week a great week for your business!

John Peterson


Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, Founder

Will You Hire A Temp This Summer?

Saturday – 7PM
Re: Hiring A Temporary Employee


I just got a report a few hours ago from two Temporary Employees.

Let me tell you – I was very pleased.

They did a job for me today that I knew wasn’t going to get done unless I hired someone to do it.

I didn’t have enough hours in the day, and everyone else we work with has been very busy as well.

At WREIA on Monday night we are going to talk about hiring temps.  There are a few things you need to know, and guidelines you need to stay within, but temporary or seasonal employees are the secret weapons of a good number of large and small companies.

Temporary work is a BIG Business.  Amazon hired 80,000 temporary employees to help them get through the holiday season last year.   Eighty Thousand! 

You certainly don’t have to hire thousands of people.  I hired just a couple people (kids, really) that did some work for me today.

Do you have any plans to hire someone over the summer to help you get caught up on some marketing?  Maybe help you create a new mailer, or create a post card?  Maybe even do some research for you at a courthouse and create a list of “qualified people” who may be going through a recent divorce?I have found high school kids work great in some situations, college age people for other roles, and sometimes retirees are great for some advisory work as well.

Think of it like this: 
9AM – Your Hired!
5PM – Your Fired!
And both of you are happy.

This type of employment saves you a fortune.  Not only are wages sometimes lower, but there is no need for all the extra payroll processing, taxes, insurances and all the other training and miscellaneous costs that go into full time employees.

Hiring a temp employee could help you get just one extra project this year.   If that one project is worth 30-50k or more – wouldn’t it be worth learning a little more about the process?

Join us and dozens of other DC area investors on Monday night at our June WREIA meeting.

There are only two more chances to join us before we take a summer break in August and then return in September.

Stop making excuses for falling behind and start turning some profits on your projects.  Monday night is going to be a great night to learn a few small steps you can take to create some huge profits before the end of the year.

Take away just one item from Monday night and you could create a profit of 10 or 20k wholesaling a project, or maybe 30-50k flipping a property.

And did I mention – we serve some food and drinks at our WREIA meetings as well?

Doors open and networking start at 6:30 Monday evening.

Come join us. I guarantee you will be happy you did.

Reserve your seat for our June 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

Small Changes In Your Real Estate Investing Business

Tuesday 10 AM
Re: Tiny Changes Can Result In HUGE Profits

Entrepreneur Magazine had a great article in their May Issue.  It was titled “6 Lies They Teach in Business School”.  You can find the article here –

The first “lie” is the you have to “outline it all first”. Let me tell you, this is where I see  a lot of people get bogged down.  People just getting started in our business think they have to have every detail planned out, and everything accounted for before they make an offer on a property.

What usually happens is – they never get started.  No offers.  No projects.  No profits.

This “outline it all first” lie is particularly relevant to our WREIA meeting this month.  I suggest you throw some (emphasis on some) caution to the wind and just get going.  You don’t need to hire 14 inspectors, 27 advisers and 4 architects to do a  renovation on your first condo.

And yet – that is exactly what happens.  People get busy hiring experts to come in and advise them, when the next investor that comes in sees a deal and jumps on it.

There are plenty of things you can do to protect yourself when you are making an offer.  But once you have quickly looked at everything, and done your homework – make the offer.  Plan in a contingency for some mistakes – BUT GET GOING!

I hope you are making plans to be with us on Monday June 22nd.  We are going to be talking about small ways to save on your renovation projects.  Saving a little here and there throughout the process can really add up to thousands of dollars at the end of your projects.  Those are additional profits that may not be falling to your bottom line today.

Come on out on Monday, June 22nd and take away a few tips from our WREIA members, as they explain simple things that they do that help add dollars to their bottom line.

See you on June 22nd!

John Peterson


Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, FounderP.S.  If you have a tip you would like to share with out WREIA membership, let me know.  Who knows – maybe this month your tip could lead to an introduction that could then lead to a lifelong friendship in this business?  Call or email me if you have a profit saving tip you would like to share.


What is Wealthy?

Roundtable Discussion On
Success And Failure at WREIA This Month

Monday – 10AM
Re: What Is Wealthy?

Financial Independence.


Whatever you call it, it’s interesting to see how your definition of “Wealthy” stacks up against other investors.

For some people, 2-3 Million is wealthy, but the threshold seems to be a 5 Million net worth. (And here is a shocker – about 20% of that is held in cash?!)

Either way, it was surprising to me to discover that 3 out of 4 people in the UBS survey were caring for adult children or aging parents. Sometimes both.

Did I mention – They don’t view caring for family as an obligation, but rather – they enjoy doing it?

Check out more details in the UBS survey and lets plan on discussing some of the details in the report tonight at our May WREIA meeting.

Come on out tonight and join us for a panel discussion with other WREIA members.


Reserve your seat for our May 2015 WREIA meeting Here.


See you tonight!

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

Experienced Panel At WREIA This Month

There are a lot of skills you need to master in order to run a successful real estate investing business.  Perhaps the biggest skill you MUST master is the ability to make mistakes, correct them quickly, and move on.  Managing your mistakes (you will make some at some point) must be learned early in your career.

Management of people, process and a slew of various products.   It all combines and the outcome can be either terrific – or costly and terrifying when done wrong.

People will include the various contractors who help renovate the home, but don’t forget the inspectors from the county, state, and the home inspector that may recommend other more specialized inspectors to follow up on their work.   It’s a lot of people focused on  finding defects, which is  easy to do in older homes.

Process involves keeping everything on track and moving forward.  Nothing drives me crazy like having a foot of snow on the ground and being trapped inside for a week or more.  Knowing that our projects are out there without anyone paying attention to them, nothing getting done, and everything just sitting at a standstill – it just makes my skin crawl.

Aside from keeping things moving though, you job is also to make sure things are happening in a logical and thought through way.  Painting walls is silly if you are going to tear them down to open up a room – yet I see new renovators do this more often that you might believe.

And the long list of projects that go into a renovation project?  Hundreds of different pieces. All of it chosen and installed by dozens of people from various backgrounds.  It’s an amazing moment when a project is done and it all comes together nicely.  It’s a disaster if you don’t keep a close eye on things and you get a “mish/mash” of various styles and skills.

This month at our monthly WREIA meeting you will have a chance to listen and talk with some of the areas top renovators.  These people actually make a living going through the process we just described.  They keep track of all the people, choose all the products and keep everything moving in a logical process.

Everyone brings their own experience to this business.  You will too.  As your business grows, you will make your own process and choose your own products.  A great short cut to growing your business faster is to simply hear what these experienced business people are doing correctly, and learn from their mistakes as well.

Mistakes – we all make them.  It’s how you handle them that makes the difference in your ultimate success or failure.   The easiest thing you can do Monday night is ask questions, listen and learn from other peoples successes and failures. We say it all the time – “Sometimes avoiding a mistake could save you thousands of dollars.”

Reserve your seat and join us on Monday night at our May WREIA meeting.



Knights and Roundtables @ WREIA This Month


If you have attended a wedding or other social event lately, you know that the roundtable setting makes it pretty easy to get to know someone new. Especially if the music isn’t playing too loud.

I was sitting at a wedding table recently and one of the gentlemen we were sitting with told us a little story about King Arthur and why he created a roundtable system for all of his Barons and Knights to meet and hold discussions.

King Arthur knew that his various Knights would not enjoy being set at a lower “station” than the Knight next to him. In fact, at one of his Christmas or Yuletide celebrations a riot broke out, based in part on the social seating at the event. So rather than have a head or foot of a table, he used round tables for seating at his future events.

Problem solved. No more riots at Christmas parties.

Roundtable Discussion at WREIA This Month

We have never had a riot at a WREIA meeting, but we will be having a round table discussion at WREIA this month – and you are welcome to join us.

Roundtable discussions are based on the idea that everyone is equal, and can bring new and fresh ideas to the topic of discussion. In modern times we have a Mastermind and a Board of Directors meeting based on this same concept. Everyone can bring new ideas to the discussion, and the combined effort should bring new proposals and direction to the effort.

You can reserve a seat at WREIA this month by clicking Here or at

Last month we had a local attorney come and share with us various strategies for financing properties in the DC area. This month, we are taking it a bit closer to home and bringing some of our WREIA members to the front of the room to discuss recent successes – and failures.

Just like King Arthurs court, no matter how long you have been in this business, you can learn a lot from these roundtable discussions. The What, How’s and Why’s of someone else’s everyday business can spark an idea for YOUR business and maybe help you get back on track. And just like King Arthur, we will be discussing what is working right along side what is NOT working in our local area. This will give you some things to focus on, as well as some pitfalls to avoid.

You can leave your 15th century costumes at home, but come on out and join us this next Monday at our WREIA May meeting.


Reserve your seat for the May 2015 WREIA meeting Here.


I hope to see you at our next WREIA meeting just one week away on May 18th.

John Peterson

301-881-5541Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

Beachfront Huts In Somalia?

I was more than a little surprised when I just read that the best investment in the world today is….

“Beachfront huts in Somalia.”

No, I’m not kidding.  This conclusion is according to Hans Rosling, “a Swedish public health professor and data visualisation pioneer.”

You can find the Financial Times article posted here at :

The logical conclusion is derived from number crunching the demographic changes taking place across the globe.  As some countries move from near poverty conditions toward middle class, massive shifts are taking place.  Beachfront locations like those in Somalia are well positioned to support the leisure industry for those in the Middle East and Asian countries.

So what does that have to do with our local activity?  Demographic changes can take place on a macro level, like described in the article, but that can also be drilled down on a local level as well.

If you find an area where people want to be first, then it makes the additional risks associated with the deal much easier to calculate.  Location takes into account the local schools, access to public transportation, access to entertainment and retail stores.

Greater New York City, with over 21 Million people is a great example.  But even within the large metro area there are areas where home prices boggle my mind.  $30 Million for an apartment is not unheard of.  A recent article bluntly stated that if you are searching for a home in NYC, you don’t get much until you pony up $10 million or more.

But let’s get back to Metro DC and our various markets.  Each county has actually been fractured into many different sub markets – with prices varying greatly from one end of a county to another.

Now think for a second – What would be the proper way to structure a deal for houses or condos priced under $100k?  Would an all cash deal be best?  Or maybe owner financing is an option?

What about for a $2 Million estate property in Loudoun County?  Could you get the owner to carry back a $500k second mortgage for a few years?

If any of those questions are a little confusing, or if you don’t even know what the differences in the offers may be, WREIA this month will help you.  Our speaker is going to talk about how to structure your offers – creatively – so you have a shot at them being accepted.

Just this week one of our WREIA members was at a property and the owner actually said “We are open to a little creativity if it means we can get a little more for the place.  We aren’t really in that big of a hurry.”

When was the last time you had a seller tell you that?  Take your time and be creative?!!  It’s the conversations like that that I dream about.

Now, we are not going to talking about how you can buy beachfront property in Somalia next Monday at WREIA.   But if you have been wondering how you can do more deals in the DC area this year, may I suggest that you add a little creativity to the process?

This month at WREIA we have a guest speaker – who is a local Bethesda attorney – coming to talk about creative offers  that work really well for renovators and rehabbers as well as landlords.  It’s a great topic for people who take on bigger projects that may involve a lot of liability, many different key players, and projected profits that need to be protected along the way.

I hope you can join us next Monday at WREIA.

Reserve your seat for the Fourth 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

I hope to see you at our next WREIA meeting just one week away on April 20th.

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

The First Step to Doubling Your Business Is ……

Tuesday 9:15 AM
Re: The First Step To Doubling Your Business

2xThe first step to doubling your business is – CLARITY.

Get clear on what it is that you want to double. Sounds simple, but it really is a huge step toward accomplishing your goal.

Ask yourself this simple question:

“Do I want to do more transactions, or do I want to do larger transactions?”

Think about that for a second. If you are currently doing 2 transactions every year, but making a profit of 50k on each deal, would it be a big help to grow your business to 4 deals every year? Of course.

On the other hand, if you move your business from making 50k on each deal to 100k – haven’t you also doubled your business?

Let me tell you, one of these is much easier on your time. I have seen it a few times through the years. An investor thinks that they are growing their business just because they are “doing more deals”.

In reality, they are slowly going broke. Their deals have gotten so thin that there is little or no profit at the end of the day.

Those are the people that look terribly busy, but secretly they are losing money on each deal. They create so much overhead in the form of employees, office space and other obligations that they are now obligated to feed their “monster.”

Next Monday at our WREIA meeting we are going to talk about the most important steps that you can take to double your business. I am going to give you some concrete steps that I took when I wanted my business to grow.

By the way, I know these steps reap huge rewards. That time of focus and emphasis on growth is still reaping dividends 10 and 15 years after I put these steps into action.

There were strategies I had to put in place when I wanted to grow my business. There were also mistakes that slowed me down. I want to share both the good and the bad with you at our next WREIA meeting on March 23rd.

I’m going to focus in on the top things that helped me grow from 5 to 10 deals and then again when I wanted to grow from 15 to 30 transactions in a year. These were two very different stages of my business – and required bringing different tools and strategies to the “business growth” project.

Do you want to grow your business and do more? If you do, then come out and join all of us at the next WREIA meeting next Monday.

March 23rd. Put it on your calendar.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you grow your business.


Reserve your seat for the March 2015 WREIA meeting Here.


That’s all for now.

I hope I see you in a little less than a week on Monday, March 23rd at WREIA.

John Peterson


Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, Founder

How I Doubled My Business – Twice. WREIA March 23rd

Thursday 10AM
Re: How I Doubled My Business

One of the pillars of our Real Estate Association is belief.  After 2 decades in this business, I know that belief plays an enormous part in our success.

Once you see the photos and hear the story from the person sitting next to you at WREIA about how they just finished a renovation project – well, it makes you believe you can do it too.   We see it all the time.  Success breeds more success.

Then, once you successfully complete a deal, it makes you a bigger believer in the fact that you can do the next deal too. No matter how hard it was, and how much work you put into it – at the end, a finished project is very, very gratifying.

Some of our WREIA members have gone on to do fantastic things in our line of work.  They have built their business and income based on a ton of successful transactions and – most importantly – helping other people get out of sometimes very tough situations.

Please put March 23rd on your calendar if you want to grow your business.  If you want to go from one to two deals a year – fantastic.  But  – what if you wan to take your business from 5 transactions a year to 10 per year?

Or how about from 10 to 20?

There were steps that I had to take when I wanted to grow my business.  I want to share those with you at our next WREIA meeting on March 23rd.

I’m going to focus in on the top things that helped me grow from 5 to 10 deals and then again when I wanted to go from 15 to 30 transactions in a year.  These were two very different stages of my business – and required bringing different tools and strategies to the “business growth” project.

Do you want to grow your business and do more?  If you do, then come out and join all of us at the next WREIA meeting on March 23rd.

March 23rd.  Put it on your calendar.  Come out to WREIA and say hi.  Let me know how you are doing so far in 2015.

Let me know if there is something I can do to help you grow your business.


Reserve your seat for the Third 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

That’s all for now.

I hope I see you in about 10 days on Monday, March 23rd at WREIA.

John Peterson


Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, Founder

P.S. This past Tuesday I just talked with a WREIA member about some very specific ways I can help him on his current project. I made one phone call and saved him 18% on his contracting bid. The answer is YES, in March 2015 we are doing deals with our students and WREIA members.

Maybe you need some help with financing or could use a valuable construction partner with years of experience? Or do you need us to help speed up the process for you, and help drive your business to the next level? We are here to help.

Don’t be shy! Just post a few quick details about your deal at and we will get back to you ASAP.

If you prefer to send me an email – that’s fine too. Send some details of your project to profitableproperty   @  (Just leave out the spaces)