Last week we posted a video about a National Harbor breakfast meeting.
I had just left the meeting with the expert speaker we will have at WREIA this Monday – June .12th.
In that video, I briefly mentioned the first tape set I purchased about Note Investing.
That nervous purchase at the back of the room started my journey down a path of learning that continues to this day.
The creator of that note course and I forged a relationship and he eventually became a mentor as well as a great friend of mine.
I spent a little while digging around some old material and found the original course.
In a new video we just created, I walked down memory lane a bit and brought out that course as well as a few other re-discovered treasures.
There are a few things I share with you in this video, personal and professional, that you will probably relate to on some level.
Hopefully you enjoy the video half as much as I did creating it.
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John Peterson
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Profitable Property, Founder