Category Archives: DC Real Estate Investing

Begin With The End In Mind

Steven Covey has sold over 10 million copies of his classic book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”.

The second habit of highly effective people is to “Begin with the end in mind.”  In other words, you should know where you are going to finish.

When you buy a property, and plan to renovate it, are you disciplined in your approach?  Or do you spend a few minutes looking for the lowest price home in a community, make an offer and hope for the best?

Today, there are stories everywhere about people who have had it rough over the last few years.   Bud Matthews in North Carolina has been asking Suntrust bank to stop the foreclosure on his business headquarters building for months.  He has not missed a payment in over 10 years, but Suntrust Bank has called his loan.

Bud Matthews decided to fight back and has now hired an attorney to help keep his business going.  If you attended WREIA last month, you heard some other similar stories here in the DC area.  To read the rest of Bud Matthews story visit

We want you to understand where you are going with your real estate business.  Most of us who attend WREIA each month either have, or have the desire to buy, renovate and sell a home.

When you finish the hard work of renovating the property, who will buy the home?  How will they finance the property?  How much is their down payment?  How much will YOU make as a profit for you hard work?

If you know the answer to these questions – FROM THE BEGINNING – you will have a much higher level of success in this business.

For instance – let’t talk about the note business for a moment.  Specifically, the commercial non-performing note business.  Following is a brief piece from MarketWatch.

“According to the latest Ernst & Young US nonperforming loan (NPL) survey, At the crossroads: Ernst & Young 2012 real estate nonperforming loan investor survey, investors could also see more opportunities to acquire commercial real estate debt instruments in the year ahead. Despite improvements in bank earnings and declining loan loss reserves, the sheer volume of US commercial real estate loans maturing in the next five years — estimated to be close to US$ 1 trillion — could put pressure on US banks to step up their efforts to strategically sell some of the more than US$100 billion in NPLs, currently on their books.”  You can find the article in it’s entirety at

The numbers boggle my mind.  $1 TRILLION in commercial real estate loans will be maturing in the next 5 years.  And already, there are $100 Billion  in non-performing loans.

Could you work with a small bank and purchase (at a discount) a few small commercial loans?  Could you re-structure those loans and keep another small business afloat, like Bud Matthews we talked about above?

This month at Washington REIA we are going to have a few people who work on the front lines of the residential home financing business. They originate loans for retail homeowners and for investors.  Join us for one night and learn where the business is, and who you should be targeting in the retail market. The loan market is still a challenge, but when you have the right mix of properties, home-buyers and price, business is getting done.

Begin with the end in mind.   Know who will purchase your renovated home. Know how they will finance it.  Most importantly, know how much their down payment will be.  Very few deals are going to a closing table without the right mix of these “ingredients”.

In The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People “Begin with the end in mind” is habit #2.

Habit #1 is “Be Proactive”.  Register now at and join us on Monday at WREIA. Learn where the financing business is headed, and learn first hand where retail homes are being sold.

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And as always, let me know how I can help with your real estate investing here in the DC area.

See you on March 19th,

John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

Find video updates on the Profitable Property Channel at

Register early for the March 19th WREIA meeting online, and skip the registration line!

You will also find the registration link at

Short Sales Vs. Foreclosure Defense

Home Foreclosures. 

They are here with us, and will be in the news for the next few years.

First – lets put the last few years in perspective.  Over 2 Million people have lost their homes to foreclosure since 2008.

The lenders know that some of those foreclosures were completed with less than stellar paperwork.  That’s why the largest servicers agreed to a $25 Billion payout in the settlement last week.   I use the term “payout” loosely.

If you lost your home to foreclosure in the last few years, and can prove any type of mistake in the foreclosure process, there is $1.5 Billion that will go into a trust fund to pay others like you.  There are estimates that up to 750,000 people will receive a check for $1,500 to $2,000.

“Sorry you no longer have a home of your own, here is a check for $2,000.”

That makes some people upset.   The LA Times had a pretty good article last week about the settlement here.

You can also find the link at

Second, lets talk about the current situation.

There are estimates that over 4 Million people are still at some risk of immediate foreclosure, and closer to 11 million more are underwater on their mortgages.

When I talk with banks and attorneys across the DC area, most agree that we are 2 or 3 years, and some are saying as much as 5 years, from real resolution to this mortgage situation.

I tend to agree.  In the servicing settlement last week alone, the banks have up to three years to implement the entire plan.

Some people are upset with the pace that these banks are proceeding.  Some homeowners are choosing to fight for their individual situations.  Most people outside of government agencies are upset with what appears to be lopsided settlements with the largest lenders, banks and servicers.

Join us this month at our Washington REIA meeting as we invite attorneys from a local law firm to visit with us and discuss some of the foreclosure defense strategies they are using to assist homeowners in this struggle.You might be very surprised at some of the updates from the “front lines” of the legal community.You will hear about actual cases that homeowners have won locally, and other cases that are working through the appeals process.Lastly– Monday night learn how you can increase your leads by helping homeowners who are upset, but don’t know how to proceed.Let’s give homeowners who may be facing foreclosure what they need most – guidance  – and work with them to suggest legal alternatives to foreclosure that are in their best interest.  Sometimes a short sale agreement will work out fine for all the parties involved.  However, in some cases, more aggressive legal options are truly best for the homeowner.Remember we will be at a new location in 2012 – The Womans Club of Bethesda.  Location and registration details are below.

And as always, let me know if I can help with your real estate investing here in the DC area.

See you on Monday!

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder
Find video updates on the Profitable Property Channel at


Register early for the Feb. 27th WREIA meeting online, and skip the registration line!

 You will also find the registration link at

Mortgage Forgiveness and the IRS

Ahh, those pesky 1099 forms we all have to file with our taxes.

Small business owners are always on the lookout for deductions.  I was combing through my files from last year, and came across something I thought you should keep in mind during 2012.

Most of us real estate investors have found ourselves working with short sales, or foreclosures over the last few years.  You and your clients should be aware of a BIG advantage written into the IRS code.

“The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 generally allows taxpayers to exclude income from the discharge of debt on their principal residence.”

Until a few years ago, many investors had never seen a form 1099-C.  Lenders are required to report any cancelled debts to the IRS using this form, 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt.

Here is a simplified example –

  • Homeowner pays 100k for a new home.
  • Recession hits, and homeowner sells their home for 80k through a short sale.
  • The following January, the lender sends homeowner 1099-C for 20k.

Before 2007, the homeowner would be required to pay income taxes on $20,000.

Today, if the situation qualifies, (your accountant can help you understand the full guidelines), you can exclude the full amount from your income.

This provision applies to debt forgiven in calendar years 2007 through 2012.

The Mortgage Debt Relief Act expires this year.

If you want to read about more details, you will find full details at the IRS link here.

PDA and smartphone users will find the details at,,id=179414,00.html

There is motivation to get these short sales completed this year.  I realize it is only February, but it’s not too early to be paying attention to these items.

Short sales and the issue of foreclosure can still be a tricky area for real estate entrepreneurs.  We will be spending an entire evening discussing these topics at our Feb. 27th WREIA meeting.

Join us this month at our Washington REIA meeting as we invite attorneys from a local law firm to visit with us and discuss some of the foreclosure defense strategies they are using to assist homeowners in this struggle.You might be very surprised at some of the updates from the “front lines” of the legal community.Short sales and the issue of foreclosure is still a tricky area for investors.  We will be spending an entire evening discussing these hot topics at our Feb. 27th WREIA meeting.And as always, let me know if I can help with your real estate investing here in the DC area.See you on Feb. 27th!

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder
Find video updates on the Profitable Property Channel at


Register early for the Feb. 27th WREIA meeting online, and skip the registration line!

You will also find the registration link at

Changes in Short Sales Since July 2011

When we last focused on Short Sales at Washington REIA, we talked about how banks were paying 12-20k in assistance to homeowners – if they agreed to go through a short sale.

What a difference just a few months makes.

There was a recent article in Business Week reporting how some homeowners were receiving as much as $35,000 to agree to a short sale.

You can find the full article here.

PDA and smartphones will find the article at

Short sales have become a fashionable buzzword lately in the investor community, and perhaps in the larger public as well.This is due in large part to the fact that almost 10% of the recent sales across the country are – short sales.  To put that in perspective, in 2008, closer to the beginning of this housing mess, short sales were about 2% of the total sales.We are working with some homeowners right now, who are selling their home through a short sale on their personal residence.  Their last regular mortgage payment was in 2006.

These lenders have started to realize that it can take a few year to take a home through foreclosure, and rack up legal expenses as high as 60k or more, or they can pay the homeowner HALF that amount now, and get the property back in relatively decent condition.

Why are banks willing to pay out that amount as an incentive?

Well, why are the banks agreeing to their 25 Billion dollar mortgage servicing settlement?

In both cases – by working with the homeowners, the lenders are reducing their liability on possible fraudulent or criminal activity.

The lenders realize that if they have to answer to a judge or jury for the things that they have been doing with these mortgages over the last few years, they might not look so good.

Some homeowners are fed up with what they view as injustices by their lenders.  Some people are fighting back and starting to win their cases.

Join us this month at our Washington REIA meeting as we invite attorneys from a local law firm to visit with us and discuss some of the foreclosure defense strategies they are using to assist homeowners in this struggle.

You might be very surprised at some of the updates from the “front lines” of the legal community.
Short sales and the issue of foreclosure is still a tricky area for investors.  We will be spending an entire evening discussing these hot topics at our Feb. 27th WREIA meeting.

And as always, let me know if I can help with your real estate investing here in the DC area.

See you on Feb. 27th!

John Peterson

Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder
Find video updates on the Profitable Property Channel at


Register early for the Feb. 27th WREIA meeting online, and skip the registration line!

You will also find the registration link at

The Kindle Fire For My Business

The Kindle Fire is pretty cool.

And in the 4th quarter of 2011, 5.5 MILLION people agreed with me.

Amazon sold over 5 million of these little tablets, and I’m sure many of them were given as gifts over the holidays.

Most of you know, I am not the guy to call about computers or technology in general. Real estate, yes, please call me. But when I can plug in a piece of technology, and turn it on, that’s enough for me. When it comes to technology, I am quite happy with the basics.

Which is why I was skeptical at first. I didn’t understand why anyone would want a little tablet to read books, or check email when they had a pc or laptop.

But then my family got an iPad. And now, I understand.

They are extremely convenient, and portable. I can sit and watch a basketball game, and reply to a few emails at the same time.

When a friend mentions a website, I no longer have to march over to the pc and check it out. If something sounds interesting, the iPad sits right there in front of me, and I can quickly find out more. Remember, for a technophobe like me, that is a big luxury.

Now, I also enjoy buying real estate – at wholesale prices. Price is always a factor for me.

Which brings me back to the Kindle Fire. It lets me do the same stuff that I do on the iPad, and the cost is much less.

It has a ton of content. A TON.

And, anything I buy, I can store on Amazon – for free. Movies, books, magazines – everything stored, for free. No worries about running out of space. Pretty cool.

Now, don’t call or email me and try to debate the iPad vs. the Kindle. I know what works for me, and using these devices has helped me improve my communication via email, and also helped me stay in touch and current in other ways as well.

Anyone who signs up for a 6 month or annual membership, not just a one night pass, will be eligible to win a Kindle Fire on Monday night.

That is going to make a pretty nice gift for someone. The Kindle Fire sells for $199 on Amazon. You can check it out here.

PDA users can see the Kindle details at

Don’t forget the annual membership specials that are only available in January. All the membership information is available HERE!

You can also find the pre-registration page at

We want you to be up to speed and efficient, and in my opinion, tools like the Kindle Fire will help you.

And as always, let me know if I can help with your real estate investing here in the DC area.

Have a great weekend! See you on Monday night!

John Peterson,  Washington REIA Network, President

Federal Reserve White Paper – Link

Federal Reserve System Image

Ben and his staff have been busy looking at the housing market issues, and in the interest of continuing to talkabout the housing market, they wrote a nice paper entitled:

“The U.S. Housing Market: Current Conditions and Policy Considerations.”


When I read it, I wasn’t happy.

Below is a 5 point “Readers Digest” version of the paper.Please note : Items
marked in all caps are solely my edits, and there is added emphasis in
some locations.


Currently, about 12 million homeowners are underwater
on their mortgages (figure 3)–more than one out of five homes with a
mortgage. In states experiencing the largest overall house price declines–such
as Nevada, Arizona, and Florida–roughly half of all mortgage borrowers
are underwater on their loans.

Other data show, for instance, that less than half of lenders are currently offering mortgages to borrowers with a FICO score of 620 and a down payment of 10 percent (figure 5)–even though these loans are within the GSE purchase parameters



Finally, the number of properties currently in the foreclosure process is more than four times larger than the number of properties in REO inventory



In light of the current unusually difficult circumstances in many housing markets across the nation, the Federal Reserve is contemplating issuing guidance to banking organizations and examiners to clarify supervisory expectations regarding rental of residential REO properties by such organizations while such circumstances continue (and within relevant federal and statutory and regulatory limits)



Thus far in the foreclosure crisis, the mortgage servicing industry has demonstrated that it had not prepared for large numbers of delinquent loans. They lacked the systems and staffing needed to modify loans, engaged in unsound practices, and significantly failed to comply with regulations.
But why was I not happy when I read the report?
  • I’m OK with a choppy market, financing challenges, and even the “shadow inventory”.
  • What I am not OK with – is the banks that I have been buying properties from – now becoming landlords too.
  • There is no motivation for these banks to sell properties, if they can rent them instead.
  • I see no motivation for these banks to rent at market rates. They don’t sell houses at market rates, and I fear they will drive down market rents as well.
  • Finally, I am fine with “competing” against other small investors, and the private sector. But the federal reserve system “contemplating issuing guidance” and essentially sponsoring banks to become landlords?…. It just doesn’t sit well with me.

These are certainly choppy times to be a real estate investor.
Now is the time to surround yourself with active seasoned
who can give you advice and guidance.

Join us at Washington REIA Network on Monday, as we discuss this
report and how it may affect income producing properties in the
DC area.

For the first time, Jack Kiley will be our guest speaker at WREIA.
Jack is the founder of MidAtlantic IRA, and many of you know, his
business has changed my life. Jack has been my secret weapon when
it comes to putting together complex deals, and using my Self Directed
IRA in real estate investment transactions. Jack is a master at
taking a complex situation, and explaining it “in plain English”.

You can see our latest video and hear more details about Jack
Kiley and the upcoming meeting at this link.

PDA and mobile users can also access the video directly

Register early and grab the January Only membership specials
online, and then skip the registration line on Jan. 16th!

You will also find the registration link at

And as always, let me know if I can help with your real estate
investing here in the DC area.

John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

P.S. Mark your calendars for January 16th, and join us at the Womans Club of Bethesda for the first WREIA Meeting of 2012!

Good News & Bad Real Estate Ad Examples

Weeks One of those new years resolutions is just about over. 

How are you doing so far? 

Good news first – The first Washington REIA Network meeting is on Jan 16th – AT A NEW LOCATION!  (Details Below)
You don’t want to miss the membership special we have in January.  We only provide this discount in January, and this year we have some special items to help get your new year powerfully started in the right direction.

Keep an eye out next week for more details, and a short video announcing our special guest speaker –  a LOCAL superstar, and someone who has made a major impact on my business.

It’s Friday – so let’s lighten the mood a little, and learn something at the same time.

This slideshow has some GREAT examples of what not to do when trying to sell your investment property.

You can also find the slideshow here –

Personally, I have never seen a shirtless guy in a listing photo, let alone someone ASLEEP in a bedroom photo!

If you are still on track this year – keep up the good work!  And as always, let me know if I can help with anything.

Happy New Year!

John Peterson
Washington REIA Network, President
Profitable Property, Founder

P.S. Mark your calendars for January 16th, and join us at the Womans Club of Bethesda for the first WREIA Meeting of 2012!