Monthly Archives: June 2015

Will You Hire A Temp This Summer?

Saturday – 7PM
Re: Hiring A Temporary Employee


I just got a report a few hours ago from two Temporary Employees.

Let me tell you – I was very pleased.

They did a job for me today that I knew wasn’t going to get done unless I hired someone to do it.

I didn’t have enough hours in the day, and everyone else we work with has been very busy as well.

At WREIA on Monday night we are going to talk about hiring temps.  There are a few things you need to know, and guidelines you need to stay within, but temporary or seasonal employees are the secret weapons of a good number of large and small companies.

Temporary work is a BIG Business.  Amazon hired 80,000 temporary employees to help them get through the holiday season last year.   Eighty Thousand! 

You certainly don’t have to hire thousands of people.  I hired just a couple people (kids, really) that did some work for me today.

Do you have any plans to hire someone over the summer to help you get caught up on some marketing?  Maybe help you create a new mailer, or create a post card?  Maybe even do some research for you at a courthouse and create a list of “qualified people” who may be going through a recent divorce?I have found high school kids work great in some situations, college age people for other roles, and sometimes retirees are great for some advisory work as well.

Think of it like this: 
9AM – Your Hired!
5PM – Your Fired!
And both of you are happy.

This type of employment saves you a fortune.  Not only are wages sometimes lower, but there is no need for all the extra payroll processing, taxes, insurances and all the other training and miscellaneous costs that go into full time employees.

Hiring a temp employee could help you get just one extra project this year.   If that one project is worth 30-50k or more – wouldn’t it be worth learning a little more about the process?

Join us and dozens of other DC area investors on Monday night at our June WREIA meeting.

There are only two more chances to join us before we take a summer break in August and then return in September.

Stop making excuses for falling behind and start turning some profits on your projects.  Monday night is going to be a great night to learn a few small steps you can take to create some huge profits before the end of the year.

Take away just one item from Monday night and you could create a profit of 10 or 20k wholesaling a project, or maybe 30-50k flipping a property.

And did I mention – we serve some food and drinks at our WREIA meetings as well?

Doors open and networking start at 6:30 Monday evening.

Come join us. I guarantee you will be happy you did.

Reserve your seat for our June 2015 WREIA meeting Here.

Small Changes In Your Real Estate Investing Business

Tuesday 10 AM
Re: Tiny Changes Can Result In HUGE Profits

Entrepreneur Magazine had a great article in their May Issue.  It was titled “6 Lies They Teach in Business School”.  You can find the article here –

The first “lie” is the you have to “outline it all first”. Let me tell you, this is where I see  a lot of people get bogged down.  People just getting started in our business think they have to have every detail planned out, and everything accounted for before they make an offer on a property.

What usually happens is – they never get started.  No offers.  No projects.  No profits.

This “outline it all first” lie is particularly relevant to our WREIA meeting this month.  I suggest you throw some (emphasis on some) caution to the wind and just get going.  You don’t need to hire 14 inspectors, 27 advisers and 4 architects to do a  renovation on your first condo.

And yet – that is exactly what happens.  People get busy hiring experts to come in and advise them, when the next investor that comes in sees a deal and jumps on it.

There are plenty of things you can do to protect yourself when you are making an offer.  But once you have quickly looked at everything, and done your homework – make the offer.  Plan in a contingency for some mistakes – BUT GET GOING!

I hope you are making plans to be with us on Monday June 22nd.  We are going to be talking about small ways to save on your renovation projects.  Saving a little here and there throughout the process can really add up to thousands of dollars at the end of your projects.  Those are additional profits that may not be falling to your bottom line today.

Come on out on Monday, June 22nd and take away a few tips from our WREIA members, as they explain simple things that they do that help add dollars to their bottom line.

See you on June 22nd!

John Peterson


Washington REIA Network, President

Profitable Property, FounderP.S.  If you have a tip you would like to share with out WREIA membership, let me know.  Who knows – maybe this month your tip could lead to an introduction that could then lead to a lifelong friendship in this business?  Call or email me if you have a profit saving tip you would like to share.